Today’s Headlines

  • Study: Bike-Share Would Work in St. Louis (Post-Dispatch)
  • One of the Four Teens Struck by Motorist in Kansas City Friday Has Died (Fox4KC)
  • Man in Lee’s Summit Struck, Killed by Semi Truck Driver (KMBC, KSHB)
  • High-Speed Rail Improvements Between St. Louis and Chicago in the Works (StateJrnlReg)
  • Bike Lanes/Routes Being Encouraged in Eastern Jackson County, MO (Examiner)
  • Dave Nichols Tells KC Biz Journal What He Thinks MoDOT Needs to Keep Roads in Shape
  • MoDOT Hopes to Transfer More Freight Shipping to Waterways (ConnectMO)

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Today’s Headlines

Call-A-Ride Driver Strikes, Injures Washington University Faculty Member on Bicycle in Crosswalk (AP) More Pedestrians Struck, One Killed by Motorist Tuesday Night (Post-Dispatch) 55-Year-Old Woman Struck, Injured by Motorist in Joplin Sunday Evening (Joplin Globe) Did Lack of Transit in Remote Parts of Region Contribute to Two Pedestrian Deaths? (Post-Dispatch) Corporate Tax Reform to Fund Transportation Appears to Have Growing Bipartisan Support […]
via MoBikeFed Cycling News, Tips, Advocacy Alerts

Charges Against Sunset Hills Mayor Who Struck Cyclist Dropped

In another startling development in the case of Sunset HIlls Mayor Mark Furrer, charged with intentionally striking cyclist Randy Murdick with his vehicle, then fleeing the scene, the St. Louis County prosecutor announced yesterday that charges against Furrer are being dropped.  Murdick's lawyer announced that the civil case against Furrer was also simultaneously droppedThe Webster-Kirkwood Times gives the background on the case: Randy MurdickFurrer had been charged with felonies of assault and property damage stemming from a confrontation with cyclist Randy Murdick along Old Gravois Road on July 29, 2014. Murdick testified that after the two exchanged profanities, the mayor intentionally swerved his convertible Mercedes-Benz into him, knocking him off his bike and badly damaging his $12,000 racing bicycle.The St. Louis Post-Dispatch summarizes the reasons the case was dropped:St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Robert McCulloch said Wednesday that the victim in the crash “significantly embellished” his testimony at a trial last month, dealing a fatal blow to the case. . . .Asked about the embellishments in a news conference Wednesday afternoon, McCulloch mentioned Murdick’s claims about the extent of damage to his bicycle, as well as his claim that he was unable to ride it after the crash.McCulloch said the “real tragedy” was that the embellishments were not about facts material to the case. He said that he believes the two independent witnesses who said that Furrer “turned into (Murdick) intentionally, intending to cause physical injury.”The Times quotes McCulloch:"The testimony of the two independent witnesses was unassailable and made it abundantly clear that the defendant did, in fact, turn his vehicle into the victim causing physical injury to the victim and damage to his bike," McCulloch said at Wednesday's press conference. . . . "The charges against Furrer are well-founded by the independent witnesses, but the victim has no credibility so I couldn't put him back on the stand. The real tragedy is the embellishment."This is a very disappointing development in this case. As McCulloch makes very clear, testimony from several credible independent witnesses all showed that Furrer deliberately struck Murdick, then sped away.We thank the police and prosecutors in this case for taking the incident seriously, for investigating it thoroughly, and for bringing appropriate charges given the severity of the action.  We thank the many cyclists and bicycle organizations, and many staff and elected officials in the city of Sunset Hills, who have helped to turn this situation to a positive by using the opportunity to educate the public and about making our roads safer for everyone and making Sunset Hills and the region a better place for bicycling.In related news. Furrer has announced that he is not seeking re-election as mayor of Sunset Hills.Previously:St Louis area cyclist threatened, hit, and run off the road by Sunset Hills MayorWitnesses confirm that Sunset Hills Mayor deliberately struck cyclist | The CallListen to 911 tapes as Mayor hits cyclist Randy Murdick then flees the sceneSunset Hills Mayor who struck cyclist & fled scene had previous police run-ins; Charges may be filed soonSunset Hills Mayor charged with felony assault for striking cyclist Randy Murdick, fleeing sceneSunset Hills meeting Dec 9th to approve process to impeach Mayor who threatened, struck cyclistMoBikeFed asks supporters to sign a petition: Sunset Hills should become a Bicycle Friendly City (the petition with hundreds of signatures was delivered to city leaders later that year)Trial of Sunset Hills Mayor; Witness: "Mayor 'attacked the bicycle rider' then 'floored it and took off' Link:  Charges against Sunset Hills Mayor who struck cyclist dropped

Today’s Headlines

Tap on the Wrist for 18-Year-Old Hit-and-Run Driver Who Struck 15-Year-Old Victim (Post-Dispatch) Bicyclist, 14, Seriously Injured After Being Struck by Motorist in Grain Valley (AP) What You Need to Know About Obama’s New Transportation Budget (Streetsblog USA) Transportation of America Responds to Budget Plan Westbound Span of Chain of Rocks Canal Bridge to Be Demolished Today (Post-Dispatch) IIHS: […]

Today’s Headlines

Kansas City Residents Hopeful Cultural Arts Area Will Become More Ped Friendly (KCBusJrnl) Troy’s Mayor Touts Recent Ped Bridge, Upcoming Street Improvements to Local Leaders (LincolnCntyJrnl) New and Improved Missouri State Bike Maps Now Available (MoDOT) Maryville Continues to Upgrade Its Speeding Enforcement Equipment (KMALand) Can a Street’s Design Be Democratic? (Gehl) The Case Against the Proposed London “Underline” for […]