Steve Patterson
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Take Parking Away From Treasurer’s Office
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Former St. Louis treasurer Larry Williams reminds me of a small town version of New York's Robert Moses (1888-1981), using the state legislature to give him money and power while also remaining free of oversight.

Downtown Needs More Residential Units
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For my parent’s generation (The Silent Generation) the American dream was a good job, the same job, for life — paying off your mortgage.If you worked the same job for life moving was on;y necessary when you wanted a bigger p or smaller residence. The days of people working for the ...

Generations of Shortsighted Decisions Continue to Dog St. Louis Region
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Many of our current problems in the St. Louis region can be traced back to decisions made long before any of us were born.

Doubtful St. Louis Will Be A Finalist For Amazon’s HQ2…And That’s OK
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Even if Amazon doesn’t pick St. Louis we can create a new vision for the central business district, North riverfront, and East St. Louis.

St. Louis Expects Lots of Car Lanes Because of Harland Bartholomew
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Bartholomew, like his better-known contemporary, NYC’s Robert Moses, believed it was necessary to destroy the city to save it from itself. Everything prior to the 20th century was wrong for the modern world of the automobile.

Taco Bell Sans Drive-Thru
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This first Taco Bell Cantina, a franchise, is located in an old narrow building with apartments above.

Bus Stop Design in St. Louis Region De-Prioritizes Transit
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St. Louis, naturally, makes buses pull out of traffic rather than stay in the travel lane.

STL Downtown Multimodal Study Engagement Week Begins
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Today kicks off a week of events.

St. Louis Does the Opposite of NACTO
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Since St. Louis, and the region by extension, does the opposite of what NACTO recommends, we could benefit greatly if the city joined — and followed their lead. But I doubt the traffic engineers in the Streets Dept and the like-minded engineers at the Board of Public Service are willing to change the way things have always been done.

The Civic Center MetroBus Transit Center Reopens Today
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The new design is substantially different, it has 3 times as many bus bays. First we have to get to it.

Pine @ Tucker Treated Different Than Locust @ Tucker
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In April I wrote how some drivers get confused on one-way Locust approaching Tucker — some turn left from either lane because it’s not properly marked. Two blocks directly South, on Tine St, is the identical situation but properly marked. Pine is also a 2-lane street one-way Westbound. But the city ...

Grand Blvd & Forest Park Ave One Of Many Intersections That Should Be Redesigned
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A slim majority (52,75%) of those who voted in Sunday’s poll agree with St. Louis Magazine’s Chris Naffziger that the intersection of Grand Blvd & Forest Park Ave — continuing East to Market/I-64 — should be replaced: The solution to the morass of broken asphalt, crumbling overpasses and roaring traffic ...